Friday 16 December 2011


Hi, every body. When we teaching Science, we have to teach it as interesting as we can so that will increase pupils' curiosity in learning Science. I found this video, is presented in form of stories where pupils are able to watch and know them clearly. I think pupils will love this, we may do some edition to suit our lesson.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

4 Seasons in a Year (kids song)

Fun in learning seasons in a year.

Learning About the Seasons for Kids!

Teaching Science is amazing. I able to learn knowledge in Science. I appeciate the chance given. From youtube, i found these video might help in my teaching activities. Sometimes, i'm up and down to think of activities for Science year 5, i have to make sure pupils are not bored with my lesson and they will pay attention while i'm teaching. This video may help me. Hope same to you. If you have better ideal, please share with me.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Teaching Science

Teaching Science in primary school is so interesting. Pupils also have strong interest in learning Science. Sometimes i will face some minor problem in teaching while to help pupils understand the knowledge but with friend's help and internet search engine, i able to solve my problems.

I would like to share some videos that i get here. Hope these videos will make use in your lesson plan. When i teaching animal's external features, we have two ways discusion. We discuss base on their prior knowledge. I not able to bring the real animals to school to show to my pupils, while pictures can only show 2D. So i decide to search video through youtube. Finally i found videos that i can use in my teaching. These video interesting and colourful. Besides, videos also consist song. Pupils will like these.  

Std 3 - Science - Parts of Animals

This is a video that i use in teaching  Science standard 3.

Friday 9 December 2011

The Kids ABC's At The Zoo

This is a video about animals in zoo. You may use it in teaching Science about animal's external features.

The Animal Sounds Song

This is a usefull video in teaching Science. You may use this in teaching animals sounds. You may apply this video in set introduction or conclusion. Pupils may feels fun angd enjoyable.

Sunday 13 November 2011

Sports Nutrient

Simple Sports Nutrition Tips

Simple Sports Nutrition Tips for Training and Competition

By Elizabeth Quinn, About.com Guide
Updated June 03, 2011
About.com Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board
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Sports nutrition doesn't have to be complicated. If you aren't interested in the details or the science of sports nutrition, but still want to get the most from your diet and fitness program, the following recommendations are for you.
Eat a Balanced Diet Each Day
Photo (c) Mitch Hrdlicka / Getty Images
To exercise consistently, you need to provide a good supply of high-quality energy to your working muscles. The easiest way to to this is to eat a balanced breakfast and continue eating a variety of high-quality foods throughout the day.
Carbohydrate in the form of glycogen is the fuel that makes exercise possible, so adequate carbs must be eaten each day if you hope to train consistently. Protein and fat also have a place in your diet and should be consumed daily. In general, each meal should contain a varied combination of carbohydrates, protein and fat.
If you aren't sure if you are getting the proper nutrients in your daily diet, check out Calorie Count to create a profile and analyze your diet.
Several Hours Before You Workout
Photo (c) ULTRA.F / Getty Images
The pre-exercise meal will vary depending upon your exercise style. If you workout in the evening, lunch should include easily digestible foods high in complex carbohydrates, such as pasta, breads, fruits and vegetables. A big salad with a small amount of protein works well. Select a small amount of lean meat such as chicken or fish, and experiment with what works best for you.
If you exercise first thing in the morning, you'll probably feel best if you eat a light breakfast of fruit, toast, or an egg. Again, everyone is different, so experiment with what works best for you. Regardless of what you choice to eat, you should drink plenty of water before and during a morning workout.
Thirty Minutes Before You Workout
Photo (c) Thomas Northcut / Getty Images
Depending upon the type and duration of workout you do, you'll want to eat a small snack and drink some water a half hour before you get going. Trail mix is great for aerobic workouts over 60 or 90 minutes, but if you are going hard for thirty minutes, you probably only need a half of an energy or granola bar, a large banana, a few graham crackers, fig bars, or pretzels. For a shorter workout, you may not want to eat anything at all, but can get a few calories from drinking about 8-10 ounces of a sport drink.
You should also start drinking water before your workout so you've consumed about 6-12 ounces in the the hour before your workout.
During Your Workout
Photo (c) Ross Land / Getty Images
Proper hydration during exercise will vary based on your exercise intensity and duration and even the weather. In order to simplify the recommendations, a good starting point is to drink 8-10 fl oz of water every 15 min during exercise.
If exercising longer than 90 minutes, drink 8-10 fl oz of a sports drink every 15 - 30 minutes. Exercising for more than about 90 minutes usually requires that you replenish lost carbohydrates.
If your workout is less than an hour, odds are you don't need to consume anything extra.
Hydration After Your Workout
Photo (c) picturegarden / Getty Images
After your workout, the general rule is simple: drink enough water to replace water lost through sweat. The best way to determine this is by weighing yourself before and after exercise. For every pound of body weight lost, you'll need to consume about 3 cups of fluid.
Another way to determine how much liquid to consume is to check the color of your urine. Dark, concentrated urine may indicate dehydration. Your urine should be relatively clear in color.
Eating After Your Workout
Your post-exercise meal needs to be consumed within two hours after a long or intense workout in order to replenish glycogen stores. Research shows that getting 100-200 grams of carbohydrate within two hours of endurance exercise helps you replenish adequate glycogen stores, but adding a combination of carbohydrate and protein seems to be an even better option. Studies have found that a 4:1 ratio of carbohydrate to protein seems to the ideal combination of nutrition. And although solid foods can work just as well as a sports drink, a drink may be easier to digest make it easier to get the right ratio and meet the 2-hour window.

Diet For Athelete-Reference For School Team

Many athletes believe they need a high protein diet to fuel their muscles. Most research, however, doesn't support the idea that athletes require massive amounts of protein in their diets.
The popularity of high protein diets goes beyond athletes to those looking for fas eight loss. High protein diets that exclude carbohydrate and cut calories often show a large initial eight loss due to the water loss that occurs with muscle glycogen depletion. If you perform high intensity or endurance training you probably know that glycogen depletion is one of the reasons athletes 'bonk' or 'hit the wall' in endurance competition. Without enough easy to access energy, in the form of glycogen, we simply run out of fuel.
Glycogen is the stored energy in muscle, and it helps muscles retain water. This combination is critical for high intensity athletic performance. Depleting these energy stores is hardly something that will improve athletic performance. For a more details about the nutrient needs and the best fuel for endurance exercise, read Eating for Exercise.
Protein and Strength Athletes
While endurance athletes are easy to convince of the need for a high carbohydrate, low fat diet, strength athletes are a bit harder to convince of the need for adequate carbs and moderate protein. Strength athletes have long adhered to high protein diets in order to build muscle. This idea of high protein = more muscle is a bit overstated.
According to the research of sports nutritionists, strength athletes require high carbohydrate and adequate glycogen stored in the muscle. They point out that all high intensity, powerful muscle contractions (such as weight lifting) are fueled with carbohydrate. Neither fat nor protein can be oxidized rapidly enough to meet the demands of high-intensity exercise. Adequate dietary carbohydrate must be consumed on a daily basis to restore glycogen levels.
In fact, research shows that high protein/high fat diets can hurt performance. An inadequate amount of carbohydrate in the diet can result in:
·         Reduced muscle glycogen stores in the muscle and liver
·         Decreased endurance
·         Decreased maximal effort
·         Decreased serum glucose levels
·         Increased risk of hypoglycemia
High protein/high fat diets can also have a negative overall impact on health, including the following:
·         Increased risk of certain cancers
·         Increased calcium excretion and increased risk of osteoporosis
·         Reduced intake of vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals
But Don't Strength Athletes Need More Protein To Build Muscle?
Research hasn't shown this. In fact most strength athletes get far more protein than is necessary to promote muscle synthesis. The current protein recommendations for optimal muscle building in a strength athlete is 1.6 - 1.7 gm protein per kg of body weight. For a athlete weighing 90 kg (200 pounds) that is a total of 145 - 154 grams of protein a day [about 3 small chicken breasts]. There is no scientific evidence that more than 2.0 grams of protein per kg of body weight has any additional benefit in muscle strength or size.
How Much Protein is That?
Not much, as it turns out. Here is a list of some high protein foods.
Food, Amount, Protein
Fish, 3 oz, 21 grams
Chicken, 3 oz, 21 grams
Turkey, 3 oz, 21 grams
Beef, 3 oz, 21 grams
Milk, 8 oz, 8 grams
Tofu, 3 oz, 15 grams
Yogurt, 8 oz, 8 grams
Cheese, 3 oz, 21 grams
Peanut butter, 2 tbsp, 8 grams
Eggs, 2 large, 13 grams
So What Should an Athlete Eat?
The recommendations of sports nutritionists continues to show performance enhancing benefits. These general guidelines are:
·         12-15% of daily calories from protein.
·         25-30% of daily calories from fat.
·         55-65% of daily calories from carbohydrate.
·         An athlete's nutrition plan should be individualized to meet the needs of training and competition.
·         Carbohydrates are the primary fuel for intense muscular efforts, and should be the cornerstone of an athlete's diet, regardless of the sport they play.
Many athletes believe they need a high protein diet to fuel their muscles. Most research, however, doesn't support the idea that athletes require massive amounts of protein in their diets.
The popularity of high protein diets goes beyond athletes to those looking for fas eight loss. High protein diets that exclude carbohydrate and cut calories often show a large initial eight loss due to the water loss that occurs with muscle glycogen depletion. If you perform high intensity or endurance training you probably know that glycogen depletion is one of the reasons athletes 'bonk' or 'hit the wall' in endurance competition. Without enough easy to access energy, in the form of glycogen, we simply run out of fuel.
Glycogen is the stored energy in muscle, and it helps muscles retain water. This combination is critical for high intensity athletic performance. Depleting these energy stores is hardly something that will improve athletic performance. For a more details about the nutrient needs and the best fuel for endurance exercise, read Eating for Exercise.

Friday 28 October 2011


傻瓜每天晚上回家睡觉之前都会在一个小本子上写些字,妹妹好奇想看,傻瓜却总是不给她看,写完了就藏起来,妹妹试了几次都没有找到.. 最后也不在理会他在写些什么了
天,在摊自上卖早餐的是候听到两个女学生说起他妹妹的名字,说她早上到班上后脸色不好,腰疼的厉害。傻瓜听到后呆了一会,然后突然大声叫着妹妹的名字,扔 下手里的工作向学校跑去,他就这样大声喊着妹妹的名字,冲过学校门卫和老师的阻拦跑到妹妹的教室里,看到妹妹趴再课桌上,脸色蜡黄,冷汗淋漓,傻瓜这次没有傻傻的笑,脸上竟是焦急,喊着妹妹的名字背起妹妹就往医院跑。
路上遇到学校的老师质问他:你是干什么的?快放下她!傻瓜因为愤怒脸憋的通红:她.. 我妹妹,我.. 是她哥哥。傻瓜一路上就重复着这句话背着妹妹跑到学校附近的医院里,学校了老师和学生都很惊异,因为从没听说她有哥哥..
医生对妹妹说,他很早以前就经常到傻瓜的摊子上买早点,他知道傻瓜工作一直就很努力,也知道傻瓜从来就不花钱,曾经一直弄不明白傻瓜挣这么多钱干什么,直到 今天他终于明白了。因为傻瓜背着妹妹找到他的时候喊着:妈妈.. 就是这样死的. . 求你.. 救妹妹.. .. 不要妹妹死!原来傻瓜的妈妈活着的时候告诉过傻瓜,他妹妹也有很严重的肾病,要他一定要照顾好妹妹..
医生告诉妹妹当傻瓜知道妹妹的病需要换肾的时候,就大叫着对他说:用.. 我的.. 我是她.. 哥哥,但是检查结果是傻瓜的肾也不合适,傻瓜知道了结果,神情很沮丧,就一直说:我是.. 她哥哥啊。医生明白傻瓜的意思:我是她哥哥,我的肾怎么就不能换给妹妹..
傻瓜仍然在病房门外看着妹妹,傻傻的笑着。此时妹妹已经泪流满面,看着门外那个曾经一直以来都让她感到耻辱的傻哥哥,用了虚弱的声音对他说:你站在门外做什 么,怎么不进来。傻瓜呆了一会,怯怯的说:我.. 可以进来吗?妹妹含着泪笑着点了点头。傻瓜背着手来到妹妹的病床前,妹妹让问他为什么背着手,并执意要看他的手,傻瓜将手伸出来,手上缠着绷带,鞋子也只有一只,那是在送妹妹来医院的路上手挂到路上被刮上的,鞋子也跑丢了一只。妹妹还像以前那样说:怎么这 么笨啊,手又伤到了,鞋子也会弄丢!只是这次说他的时候,只是这时眼中满是温柔和心痛..
在热心的医生不懈的努力下,合适的肾源终于找到了,手术很成功,妹妹终于从死神的手中被救回来了,可是她醒来的时候却没有看到那张熟悉的傻傻的笑脸.. 医生告诉她,她哥哥为了给她交医疗费,到很远的地方去打工了,等她完全康复了就来接她回家,叫她安心恢复..
医生在傻瓜来医院看妹妹的时候把找到肾源的好消息告诉傻瓜,他仍旧是傻傻的笑着,居然很有礼貌的给医生鞠了个躬,然后跟医生说:我.. 要给妹妹.. 买个礼物.. .. 妹妹.. .. 送她..
傻瓜拖着疲惫的身体,高兴的去商店买了只雪白的绒毛熊.. 也许是太疲倦了精神恍惚,他在回医院的路上横穿马路的时候被一辆飞驰的汽车撞飞,送到医院的时候已经昏迷,可是手中仍旧抓着装绒毛熊的塑料袋,鲜血顺着手滴到了绒毛熊的脚上..
.. .. 妹妹..然后傻傻的笑着离开了.. 也不知道他是伤心还是开心..
屋里很很简陋,但很收拾的很整齐,尤其是妹妹的房间里,比她在家的时候还要整齐,只是家具的表面已经蒙上了一层薄薄的灰尘,书桌上摆着一盆花,花开的很鲜 艳,在花盆旁边有张很漂亮的卡片,行面有行歪歪扭扭的字:
.. .. .. ..
.. .. .. ..

Nourish Your Brain


What is cognitive decline?

Cognitive decline is when your brain doesn’t work as well as it used to. For example, a person who is experiencing cognitive decline may have trouble learning, using language or remembering things.
Some cognitive decline is a normal part of growing older. Cognitive decline that happens quickly or that affects day-to-day activities is called dementia. Dementia may be a symptom of a more serious condition, such as stroke, Alzheimer’s disease or head injury.

Can I prevent cognitive decline?

As your body ages, so does your brain. Some cognitive decline is a normal part of growing older. You can’t stop or prevent it, just as you can’t prevent other signs of normal aging. However, you can maintain your health and prevent disease by making healthy choices about your lifestyle, diet and exercise.

Is there such a thing as a “brain-healthy” diet?

Yes and no. Although no one specific diet is best for brain health, eating a healthy diet is important for your overall health. Choosing foods that nourish your body and brain can help prevent or delay diseases, including those that cause dementia.

Tips to nourish your body and brain

  • Manage your weight. Studies show that obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol all can increase your risk for dementia. To lose weight and keep it off, try to avoid short-term or “fad” diets. Instead, adopt a healthy way of thinking about and eating food. Find and follow a few food “rules” that work for you. The Mediterranean diet may be a good place to start.
  • Eat fruits, veggies and whole grains. You’ve heard it before – a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains can reduce your risk for chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and cancer. It’s probably no surprise that those same foods may also help protect brain function. The antioxidants in leafy greens, cruciferous (such as broccoli, cabbage and turnips) and dark-skinned vegetables may be especially protective. Give beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, eggplant, kale, red bell peppers, romaine lettuce or spinach a try.
  • Avoid saturated fats. Foods high in saturated fats and cholesterol, such as red meat and whole-milk dairy products, can contribute to high blood cholesterol levels. Over time, high cholesterol can increase your risk for heart attack and stroke. To limit your intake of saturated fats, use olive oil or canola oil instead of butter when sautéing foods (or grill or roast your foods instead). When you eat meat, choose poultry or fish. Also, choose low-fat or nonfat dairy products over whole-milk products.
  • Get your omega-3s. The most common source of omega-3 fatty acids is fatty fish, such as sardines, tuna, salmon, mackerel and herring. To get your omega-3s, try to eat one of these fish once or twice a week.
  • Talk to your doctor about taking supplements. Research shows that some vitamins, such as vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin B12 and folate may help protect your brain. In addition to a healthy diet, taking a multivitamin may help ensure you get enough of these nutrients. If you don’t eat fish and are worried about getting enough omega-3 fatty acids, you may want to think about taking a fish oil supplement.

What else can I do to maintain my brain health?

You can stay active – physically, socially and mentally. Physical activity helps prevent disease and maintain blood flow to the brain. If you don’t already exercise, try to work up to 30 minutes of moderate activity 5 times a week. Moderate activities include anything that gets your heart rate up. Walking, hiking, bicycling and swimming are all good options. Choose something you’ll like.
Social interaction helps stimulate your mind. Social activities are any activity you do with other people. It can be as simple as having lunch with a friend or walking around the block with a neighbor. Volunteer opportunities in your community or church are good ways to get involved. Or try to find a club or social group that focuses on an activity you enjoy, such as a sport, craft or hobby.
Finally, to keep your brain cells strong and active, it’s important for you to stay mentally active. Challenge yourself to learn something new. Read newspapers, books and magazines. Enroll in a class at the local community college or adult education center. Or, challenge yourself in a different way by playing games, completing puzzles or trying memory exercises.


See a list of resources used in the development of this information.
This content was developed with general underwriting support from Nature Made®.
Written by familydoctor.org editorial staff
Created: 12/10

Stay Healthy

What comes to mind when you think of taking risks with your health—driving recklessly, or maybe abusing alcohol or illegal drugs? Those behaviors are certainly risky. However, many people have less dramatic behaviors that are just as dangerous in the long run. Tobacco use, unbalanced nutrition (too many calories and/or too much of one food group and not enough of the others) and a lack of physical activity are some of the key risk factors for the most common causes of death.

Top 10 Causes of Death (in order)

  1. Heart Disease
  2. Cancer
  3. Stroke
  4. Chronic lower respiratory disease
  5. Accidents (many are alcohol-related)
  6. Diabetes
  7. Flu and pneumonia
  8. Alzheimer's disease
  9. Kidney disease
  10. Infection

What are the most common causes of death?

Heart disease, cancer and stroke are the most common causes of death in the United States. Nearly 1.5 million people in the United States die each year from one of these diseases, or from complications of these diseases. That’s more than the number of American soldiers who died in the Civil War, the Korean War and the Vietnam War combined, and it happens every year.

Don’t these diseases run in families? How much control do I really have?

It’s true that heart disease, stroke and some kinds of cancer tend to occur more often in people who have a family history of the disease. However, your genes are only part of your risk for these diseases. In many cases, your behavior is at least as important to your health as your family history. If you choose unhealthy behaviors, you are at greater risk of having a serious health problem.

What can I do to reduce my risk?

The following are 3 of the most important ways to reduce your risk of the top 3 causes of death:
  1. Quit smoking, or don’t start.
  2. Eat fewer high-fat foods and more fruits and vegetables.
  3. Be more physically active.
Even by doing just 1 of these things, you will improve your health and reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer and stroke.

I know why I should eat fewer high-fat foods, but why bother eating more fruits and vegetables?

Fruits and vegetables are important sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber. To improve your eating habits, you’ll want to cut down on foods that are high in fat and calories, such as soda pop and hamburgers. By replacing those foods with healthier choices, such as fruits and vegetables, you’ll get better nutritional quality from the foods you eat. Also, adding fruits and vegetables—and learning new ways to prepare them—can keep you from getting bored with a more healthy diet.
Sugar-sweetened drinks, such as fruit juice, fruit drinks, regular soft drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks, sweetened or flavored milk and sweetened iced tea can add lots of sugar and calories to your diet. But staying hydrated is important for good health. Substitute water, zero-calorie flavored water, non-fat or reduced-fat milk, unsweetened tea or diet soda for sweetened drinks. Talk with your family doctor or a dietitian if you have questions about your diet or healthy eating for your family.

Is it better to have an exercise plan instead of just trying to be more physically active throughout the day?

Ideally, we would all get enough exercise in our daily lives to burn the energy that we get from eating food. Unfortunately, many things about modern life let people avoid being physically active. For example, many people drive almost everywhere they go, and many jobs require people to sit at a desk for much of the day.
One obvious way to burn more energy is to participate in structured exercise, such as aerobics or basketball. However, you can also burn energy by adding more movement to your everyday activities. For example, try walking in place or riding a stationary bicycle while you watch TV. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or squeeze in a couple of 15-minute walking breaks during the day.

I’ve tried to make these kinds of changes before and I wasn’t successful. How can I do better this time?

Unhealthy behaviors become habits, so changing them can be very hard. You’re more likely to make changes in your habits if you set a specific goal for yourself. The kind of goal you choose and how you think about it is very important. If you set a goal that focuses on an outcome—for example, losing 20 pounds—it can be hard to know where to start or what to do. Instead, set a goal that focuses on a specific behavior. For example, choose one specific thing to change about the way you eat, such as adding a piece of fruit to one meal each day. This type of goal is easier to think about and plan for. Once your new healthy behavior becomes a habit, you can move on to another goal.
If you set a goal to be more physically active, you can improve your chances of success by exercising with other people. For example, set up a walking group at work or in your neighborhood, or ask a friend to be your exercise buddy. This will provide you with support and make physical activity more enjoyable.

Other Organizations

Written by familydoctor.org editorial staff
Reviewed/Updated: 01/10
Created: 02/04

What You Can Do to Maintain Your Health

Do my habits really affect my health?
Yes, very much so. All of the major causes of death (such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung disease and injury) can be prevented in part by making healthy lifestyle choices.
Don't smoke or use tobacco.
Smoking and using tobacco are very dangerous habits. Smoking causes 440,000 deaths in the United States every year. More preventable illnesses (such as emphysema, mouth, throat and lung cancer, and heart disease) are caused by tobacco use than by anything else. The sooner you quit, the better.
Limit how much alcohol you drink.
This means no more than 2 drinks a day for men and 1 drink a day for women. One drink is equal to 1 can of beer (12 ounces), a 4-ounce glass of wine or a jigger (1 ounce) of liquor.

Too much alcohol can damage the liver and contribute to some cancers, such as throat and liver cancer. Alcohol also contributes to deaths from car wrecks, murders and suicides.
                                               Eat healthy.                                
A healthy diet has many health benefits. Heart disease, certain cancers, stroke, diabetes and damage to your arteries can be linked to what you eat. By making healthier food choices, you can also lower your cholesterol and lose weight.
Lose weight if you're overweight.
Many Americans are overweight. Carrying too much weight increases your risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, certain cancers, gallbladder disease and arthritis in the weight-bearing joints (such as the spine, hips or knees). A high-fiber, low-fat diet and regular exercise can help you lose weight and keep it off.
Exercise can help prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis and depression. It can also help prevent colon cancer, stroke and back injury. You'll feel better and keep your weight under control if you exercise regularly. Try to exercise for 30 to 60 minutes, 4 to 6 times a week, but remember that any amount of exercise is better than none.
Don't sunbathe or use tanning booths.
Sun exposure is linked to skin cancer, which is the most common type of cancer in the United States. It's best to limit sun exposure and wear protective clothing and hats when you are outside. Sunscreen is also very important. It protects your skin and will help prevent skin cancer. Make sure you use sunscreen year round on exposed skin (such as your face and hands). Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least an SPF 15 and one that blocks both UVA and UVB light.
Practice safe sex.
The safest sex is between 2 people who are only having sex with each other and who don't have a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or share needles to inject drugs.

Use latex condoms and a spermicide (a product that kills sperm) gel or cream. Talk with your doctor about being tested year for STIs.
Keep your shots up to date.
Adults need a tetanus-diphtheria booster every 10 years. Your doctor may substitute one Td booster with Tdap, which also protects you against pertussis (whooping cough). You should also get a flu shot each year. Ask your doctor if you need other shots or vaccines.
Make time for breast health.
Breast cancer is the second most common cause of death for women. Between the ages of 50 and 74, women should have a mammogram every 2 years to screen for breast cancer. Women who have risk factors for breast cancer, such as a family history of breast cancer, may need to have mammograms more often or start having them sooner. 
Get regular Pap smears.
Cancer of the cervix in women can be detected by regular Pap smears. You should have your first Pap smear within 3 years of when you start having sex. You should have a Pap smear at least once every 3 years, unless your doctor suggests that you need one more often.
Ask your doctor about other cancer screenings.
Adults over 50 years of age should ask their doctor about being checked for colorectal cancer. Men 50 years of age or older should discuss with their doctor the risks and benefits of being screened for prostate cancer.
Should I have a yearly physical?
Health screenings are replacing the yearly physical. Instead of every person getting the same exams and tests, only the appropriate ones are given. Talk to your family doctor about your risk factors and what tests and exams are right for you.
Other Organizations
Written by familydoctor.org editorial staff
Reviewed/Updated: 07/10
Created: 01/96